3rd Kup
All the following exercises will be required for your grading examination.
Physical Competence
Hold Side kick 30 seconds L&R
25x Turning kicks L&R
20x push ups 20x sit ups, 20x squats
Close Stance, side rear back fist strike
Sitting stance W shape block
Walking stance, flat finger tip thrust
Walking stance, upset finger tip thrust
L stance, Low knifehand guarding block
L stance, double forearm low pushing block
Jumping to X stance X-fist pressing block
Kicking techniques
Turning kick & side piercing kick (Consecutive)
Double Side piercing kick
Reverse turning kick 360 (on the spot)
Additional kicking combinations (Examiners discretion)
Toi Gye Tul
2 other patterns
2& 1 Step sparring
Free sparring
Self Defence
Bear hug
Power test
Kicking technique (2 boards)
Forefist punch
Special technique
Flying turning kick
Flying side kick
Overhead Kick
Additionally you may be asked to perform any techniques from previous gradings